Meena is a dynamic story following a young woman through her training in an ancient temple aligned with the wisdom of the Great Mother. It is a fiery story of her initiation into her authentic sexual nature and relationship with the Mother. Woven in and out of the journey of a modern woman who suffers from being cut off from this relationship, we jump into both archetypal worlds. It’s a wild ride that embodies exquisite connection, beauty, painful heartbreak, and healing of the feminine journey.

 “A page-turning powerhouse — destined to be a movie. Meena will grip you and take you on a journey of cosmic proportion. Mary Lane’s description of a life lived in harmony with the natural world, and the union of a fully realized male and female, is breathtaking. It wakes up a part of us that needs to remember this possibility. This book took me to my core and touched a deep longing for connection.” ~ Amara Pagano, founder ~ Azul Conscious Movement

About the Author

Mary supports women to strengthen their relationship with their own unique gifts, and with Mother Earth.

Over her forty-year career as a professional chef, Mary’s journey took her through a doorway into the wisdom of nature. She became a devoted student of the natural world. Over time, the Mother’s wisdom revealed itself as a vast reservoir which has the capacity to take us home to ourselves.

Mary discovered our relationship with our Mother Earth has a direct affect on our relationship with food, medicine, essential feminine and masculine qualities, and their relationship, sexual creative energy, death, evolution, and humanness as a sacred journey. Many of the aspects of ourselves that have been distorted by modern society that are so crucial to our authentic nature. What started as a path with food and vocation as a chef, went far beyond what could have been imagined.

Mary Lane’s studies have supported her alignment with nature’s wisdom. These studies have included a two-year schooling as a professional chef, a two-year schooling in five element nourishment, a two-year schooling in plant spirit medicine, a decade focused on sacred sexuality, ongoing schooling on conscious dying, Five Rhythm dance, and studies with several teachers in herbalism and wild food identification.

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